Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh Jeez

So today I made some tough decisions about my life. It is no secret that I have never been a huge fan of school, this has been going on since elementary school! As a freshman I messed up and failed a class and then again as a freshman I made the quick decision to switch schools this now leaves me 9 credits shy of being on track.

I was going to try and force myself through this next year by taking a million classes and taking class through my summer and winter breaks but today I decided EFF THAT! And with my recent flare up with my dyslexia I realized I just won't be able to. I am going to get over my ego and just do the extra semester it will take for me to graduate without wanting to die.

By taking an extra semester I will be able to enjoy my time here at UMass because despite the fact that school just murders my soul sometimes I do love learning and have met so many great people here. I also thought that with all my friends graduating after the next spring semester I should try and go abroad to finish my college career.

So what are everyone's thoughts and feelings?

As of right now I'm feeling good about my decision, I mean I'll admit my ego is a little bruised about not being able to graduate on time with my friends but life happens. Well it is time for bed. Hopefully this post hasn't been too emo-tastic.

Peace Love and Hoolahoops!!!


  1. I think you should definitely go abroad! That is one this I REALLY wish I did in college!

  2. you should absolutely go abroad!!
    and don't feel bad about an extra semester, look around UMass, i've met people who are super-duper seniors.

  3. thanks sara!! i hope i will be able to go somewhere fun!!!

  4. time abroad = great idea. extra semester = not the end of the world and more time to meet people. good decision.

    *note - you CAN call me you know! i will miss you at passover this weekend.

  5. THANKS EVERYONE!!! i love you all!! how would i survive without such loving and supporting people!!

  6. LOVE the picture lol- keep talking to as many people as you can, and that will help you decide what to do. You'll be learning all your life, and making important decisions is tough, but yes, you can.

  7. Sounds like you know yourself well, miss em! I imagine you'll not even remember the extra semester once you've got the degree and move on to new exciting adventures in life. Smart plan. To quote little miss spy, time abroad = great idea :) We love ya!
